2010년 3월 31일 수요일

EXG Motor=BCD Motor: Energy Enhanced Generating Motor

*EXG Motor: Energy Enhanced Generating Motor *(Technical Transfer item)
*BCD Motor
*BCD: primary characters of inventor's name

*EXG Motor: Trade Mark
*EXG= Energy Enhanced Generation: Trade Mark
*EXG Motor= Energy Enhanced Generating Motor: Trade Mark

**Test Result
1. Energy collection efficiency: generated power/input power= 50% over
2. increasing motor torque, also increasing generation energy.
3. Generated power have a LENZLESS or LENZWEAKEN,LENZLOW influence to the EXG motor torque.

*Test composition

_operating View

*movie upload(10-0408-1824KST) _search> "exgmotor" or "bcdmotor"

2010년 3월 29일 월요일

ERG Motor_Application comprehension

*ERG Motor_Application comprehension






2010년 3월 24일 수요일

ERG Motor_up grade: Verification of Energy Generating function

*ERG Motor_up grade: Verification of Energy Generating function

***Technical transfer item.

**LENZLESS Energy Feedback MAX. 20% over
**LENZWEAKEN Energy Feedback MAX. 30% over
**LENZLOW Energy Feedback MAX. 40% over

**up-load YouTube(10-0327-03KST)
Title= ERG Motor_up grade: Verification of Energy Generating function

*YouTube movie capture

2010년 3월 9일 화요일

semi-Perpetual Electric Engine System

*semi-Perpetual Electric Engine System

**Need only Battery power source and self battery charging
**No need any external energy supply

_Applicated ERG Motor and BAK's Battery charging generator(BCD Generator-LENZWEAKEN Generator).
(10-0310: 1147KST)

_System constructing...