2009년 12월 27일 일요일


Happy New Year!

Have A Nice Year!

- - - - - - - - - -

*Thanks Google Members

2009년 12월 25일 금요일

PP magnet motor; Push-Pull magnet motor

*PP magnet motor: Trade Mark
*Push-Pull magnet motor: Trade Mark

*Active Principles

1.Push by Electric pulse detection of magnetic sensor
2.Pull in the self magnet N-S pole

*Merits as for magnet motor

1.Energy saving effect
-electric energy drive the half cycle, and magnet pull in energy acquire the half cycle that is the free energy.

*Structure description

1.Rotating magnetic pole 2 is N or S
2.State magnetic pole 2 is S or N
3.1or 2's magnetic sensor
4.2's driving magnetic coil assembly
5.Contol circuit PCA
6.Source power is 24V DC

*Test result
_Decision need for more studying.

2009년 12월 19일 토요일


- TEST Pilot

1. Source power: AC220V(no use inverter)
2. Power consumption: under 4.5W
3. Energy saving
4. Space saving
5. Light intensity variable as selection Lens
6. Thermal Runaway heat sink structure

2009년 11월 23일 월요일

Solar Radiation Quantum Sensor

*Solar Radiation Quantum Sensor
**Measuring Photosynthetic Spectral Response

-General specification-
1. Application: Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density(PPFD) in both natural and artificial light.
1. Application spectral wavelength range: 330~ 720nm
1. Temperature Coefficient: (-8.0)%/"C/MAX
1. Operating Temperature: -20~ 75"C
1. Output: 400mV in full sunlight
1. Dimensions(sensor head): 40mm Diameter, 35mm high
1. Connector: MS3102A10SL-3S, MS3106A10SL-3P
1. Cable: 3m(standard), shielded 0.5S-2P

2009년 10월 5일 월요일

Invention contents, New contents

*Invention contents
*New contents

1. Invention contents

(1) ER motor=Energy Recovery motor(completed) (9-0904) _Blog Post;2009-07

(2) ERG motor=Energy Recovery and Generating motor(completed) _Blog Post;2009-07

(3) EXG motor=Energy Enhanced Generating motor(completed)_Blog post;2010-03

(4) Magnet Rotary engine=BMR engine(in process)

(5) Magnet Piston engine=BMP engine(in process)

(6)FR motor(in process)

2. New contents

(1) BAK'S Magnetic Pulse motor(eng. samle-1,2-finished>commercial pilot working)

(2)BALJEONGEO motor="Generating Electric Bike motor" (commercial sample working)
YouTube: "BALJEONGEOmotor"

(3)BAK'S UltraSonic Actuator(engineering sample working)

(4)UltraSonic PolyAngular Attatchment_machinery(9-1011-1852KST)(in process)

**Welcome sponsor all over the world who can technical developing for human and earth!! with us!!.

2009년 10월 1일 목요일

FR motor

*FR motor= Forward Reverse motor
*FR motor:Trade Mark
(2009-0516-0919KST _http://blog.naver.com/ssumtech)

1.This has single magnetic field structure.
2.and, it has dual rotor output of CW, CCW rotation on the linear shaft at the same time.
3.and it is possible 2's multiple output shaft.

*Application for
(1)Electric Helicopter
(2)2's Multiplying speeder

_in eng. sample working

New UltraSonic Actuator

*New UltraSonic Actuator
*BAK'S UltraSonic Actuator

*(Technical Transfer item)

*in developing

BMR engine

*BMR engine

*BMR engine=BCD's semi-perpetual Magnet Rotary engine; Trade Mark

_in developing


2009년 9월 27일 일요일

BAK'S Magnetic Pulse motor for commerce

*BAK'S Magnetic Pulse motor

1.BAK'S Magnetic Pulse motor have some merit than the general magnet motor
(*EX.: brushed dc motor, blushless dc motor etc.)
2.But, It need large space than the other motor.
3.But, Very useful where the space is not problem.
4.For what reason, generating mode apply the space in useful.

*Application for
(1)Electric boat
(2)BALJEONGEO(Electric bicycle) Motor
(3)Some electric equipment that the space is not problem

*(Technical transfer item)

*. Eng. sample-2 for commercial pilot >TEST finished(9-1001 1832KST)
(>Powerful Torque Verification. Voltage=24)

*See shape at the below site


_in commercial pilot working

2009년 9월 19일 토요일


>Generating motor Bike

*BALJEONGEO: Trade Mark(90919-1632KST)
*ILMANLI-BALJEONGEO: Trade Mark(90919-1642KST)


Generating on the running,
Charging to be short.

Need charging in additionally?
Need charging on specialty?

Generating on the going,
Rotating is the charging.

*BALJEONGEO motor is in developing for commercial pilot
> Up-Loaded BALJEONGEO motor-1
**Refer to POST 2010-01_BALJEONGEO motor-1

2009년 9월 18일 금요일

BMP engine

*BMP engine

*BMP engine= BCD's semi-perpetual Magnet Piston engine: Trade Mark

_ in developing

2009년 9월 14일 월요일

Force direction converter

*Force direction converter in energy transmission

1. Linear movement into circular

2. Stroke length is not constant but need only minimum lower stroke over 10mm between push-pull.
3. Push and pull are all active power convert.

4. How about its efficiency compare to crank construct?

*in making sample model

2009년 9월 13일 일요일

Farming house standalone controller

*Farming house standalone controller

1. Model no.: House Master 4.5

* 4ch: F/R control, 1ch: on/off control

* User selection 7-mode functions
mode-A> 1 to 5 steps temp.& timing control
mode-B> normal temperature control
mode-C> temp. control within the setting hours
mode-D> open/close within the setting hours
mode-E> Second step on/off control within the setting hours
mode-F> LUX control within the setting hours
mode-G> Hysteresis control within the setting hours

*Very useful and low cost for Farming house control.
*On order made sale

*We have also 8.5 model.(see picasaweb photos)

2009년 9월 11일 금요일

Arc Cancled DC Motor drive LOAD Board

*Arc Cancled DC Motor drive LOAD Board

1.Space save: 20.2* 211mm
2.In Rush Current Limit
3.Arc Cancled when the load off (Arcless)
4.Photo drive_ control circuit
5.if, control inputs are all short, output don't activity.

*We can supply to you this assembed board.
*We can transfer this technical acknowledgement.

Brake indicating system for Autos

*Brake indicating system for Autos

1. On foot braking,
2. Supplement(additional) to
(1)Forward side indicating
(2)Left side indicating
(3)Right side indicating

3.It will be occurs Lower traffic accident
4.I am proposed to BMW group (9-0906)
5.My car already applicated at 2003



2009년 9월 10일 목요일


*Birth day: 1952.3.17
*Gender: M.
*Astrological Sign: Pisces
*Zodac Year: Dragon
*Industry: E-Technology
*Occupation: ElectroMagnetics system designer
*Location: Hadan-Dong Saha-Gu: Busan:Korea
*Wishlist: Pyramid house
*Likes: Sea, Deep sea
*Dislikes: Loud speaker
*Interests: Electric energy, Magnetic energy, Free energy
*Keywords: Technical developing for human and Earth

Web site



FAX.> (82)51-808-9930

2009년 8월 24일 월요일

ER Motor theory

*ER Motor theory

1.Many times experimentation, studying, change structure
2.I arrive at a conclusion.
3.ER efficiency of ER Motor will can be raise up as far as to the over 85%(max.99.x%) at the some operating arround, if the electrical structure and mechanical structure are best condition.
4.I am stand-by, I can show you ER Motor theory.

*Technical Transfer item

**notes>If, ER Motor equip with the solar car, How about the result will be in the solar car race contest?


BCD's Magnetism-cosmic movement

*BCD's Magnetism-cosmic movement

1.Magnetism is the last and extreme energy of human beings.

2.The solar system is A big magnetic field.
(1)The earth is a small magnet that moves round the sun that is big magnet.
(2)and Planets move stable round the sun as the correct calculated magnetism by creator.
(3)Magnetic rotation system View_ (preparing in make a model)

3.The solar system is a small magnet in the great magnetic field what is called cosmos.

4.Thus, we must tring, studying, experimenting for accept the magnetic energy.
5.And thus, we must do effort, study, experiment more and more about magnetism
for clean earth environment.

2009년 7월 9일 목요일

ERG motor=Energy Recovery and Generating motor

* ERG Motor=Energy Recovery and Generating motor: Trade Mark

1. ERG motor: Trade Mark
2. ERG= ER+ EG- Eh
3. ERG motor= Energy Recovery and Generating motor
4. This motor have dual function of energy recovery and energy generating.
5. Generated electric energy can use re-charging battery.
6. If so, electric efficiency can be big up as ER+EG-Eh
7. These are single structure composition.

*2010-0126: 1414KST> TEST Completed


2009년 7월 5일 일요일

ER Motor=Energy Recovery Motor

*Technical transfer item

* Energy Recovery motor > ER motor
1. ER motor(trade mark)_ Energy Recovery motor
2. This equipment is not only consume electric energy but the recovery energy return to the
power source.(BATTERY,SUPER CAPACITOR etc.)
3. BCL Technology applicated.(BCL= Brushless Coreless) BCL:trade mark
4. I am trying and studying this equipment for clean earth environment.

5. Er=Ar/Ac : Energy recovery efficiency= recovery Current/consume Current

*ER motor_ENG. sample-shape

*Application ER motor
a.Electric CAR
b.Electric BOAT
c.Electric BIKE
d.Any Electric MOBILE


